Is Michael Bay Jewish?

Michael Bay

Well, to make a long story short, Michael Bay is Jewish!

Since Michael Bay's mother is Jewish, and in Orthodox Judaism and Conservative Judaism, those with a Jewish mother (or those who underwent a halakhic conversion) are considered Jewish, then that makes him Jewish. His father is Jewish too.

Michael Bay (whose full birth name is Michael Benjamin Bay) was born on February 17, 1965 in Los Angeles, California.

He was adopted and raised by Jewish parents.

He is known for directing high-budget action films characterized by their fast edits, stylistic visuals and extreme use of special effects. His most noted films include Bad Boys (1995), The Rock (1996), Armageddon (1998), Pearl Harbor (2001) and the Transformers film series (2007–present).

(Added: 17/10/2014)

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